Wednesday, July 16, 2008

HNT: Travel Edition Part 2

So here we have more pictures from the travels. I am a big dork, a goofy girl, silly willy, nerd, whatever you want to call it. I take silly pictures and make no apologies for it. I don't see myself as hot nor sexy. I rarely try to capture myself in that way. I am silly, dorky, cute on a good day and lots of fun to be around. If I do say so myself. Those are the things I try to portray most often in the pictures I take and in the pictures others take of me. I have no idea if I succeed in the eyes of others but I am amused trying and I think I do pretty well at acting like a dork in front of the camera. Yep yep yep.

I love animal crackers, see?...

I always bite their heads off first. =D......

Talk about a close up!......


Thursday! =)


Kittie Kate said...

I like goofy. Better than serious.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

ROFL seriously that last one made me giggle aloud! You're such a dork!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Please, won't someone think of the animal crackers!? Oh, the humanity! The horror!

Then again, you're the loveliest looking animal cracker murderess I've seen in a long time. :)

Happy HNT!

Ashly Star said...

kittie kate:
I do as well, most times.
Thank you! =)

That's awesome, lol. I know. I'm a cool dork though. At least that's what I tell myself. ;)

ms. i:
I'd think of the poor creatures... if they didn't taste so yummy. So sad for them, lol.
Thank you. ;)

Vixen said...

That's cracker torture! ;) LOL You are beyond cute.

Love ya chickie! xo

White Light said...

wow, you got a sexy lil' mole right there :-) kinda took me away from admiring your sexy lips :-) doesnt matter that you are probably the dorkiest but still sexy animal cracker personnette I know ;-)


Ashly Star said...

Cracker torture? Haha! Rawr, I am the cracker torturer, run!
Thanks doll! =D XoXo.

I used to hate that mole honestly, lol. Now I like it fine. Thank you! =D

Anonymous said...

...and I love your eyes, they're so sexy!


Mariposa's HNT

Jason said...

HHNT silly.. fun pics.. enjoy ur road trip

Dana said...

I always eat their heads first too, but prefer the frosted ones, all pink and white!

Anonymous said...

Oh, now Dana's got me thinking about frosted animal crackers. Yum. That would be great w/ my coffee.

Love your pics - they are filled with personality! HHNT!

Ms. Lily said...

You have extremely sexy eyes and lips!
I love being all goofy with my girls, very time they laugh with me it fills my heart. I'm a dork. lol

Dangerous Lilly said...

You are too damn cute!!!!

I bite the heads off, too. And off chocolate bunnies.


Chick said...

Beautiful eyes!

Pepper said...

Who doesn't love animal crackers, right?


Biscuit said...

From one dork to another, you look damn sexy doing it!

I'll bet you bite the chocolate bunny's ears off first, too ;)

Pluff said...

I think you need to be reported to BETA.. . Baker's for the Ethical Treatment of Animalcrackers...


Baby said...

Great FUN!!! I too love to bite their heads off - best part of eating animal crackers!! Happy HNT!!!!!

Anonymous said...

made me laugh out loud!
you're so silly!
excellent pics!!

Sam said...

lol great pics, I always bite the heads off first too lol who wants to look them in the eye while you eat them ?!? ;op

Hamlet and Lorali said...

You should put an animal cracker on your boyfriend's cock and then try to bite the head off ... without, you know, biting the other head off. Give the poor animal crackers a chance! ;)

Happy HNT, cutie!

Anonymous said...

TAG!!!!!!! You have something to do. Go read my blog!!

Anonymous said...

My old cat used to bite the heads off bats and bring them in as presents, but I don't think she ever managed to bite the head off a sheep.

Even if you weren't simply hot and sexy, which you are, silly, dorky, cute and fun are hot and sexy in combination as well.

blue said...

HAHAHAHA...that made me laugh crazy girl!! I take out my animal crackers in the zact same way!

BTExpress said...

I must admit, you have mastered the dork look. Happy HNT!

rage said...

Your eyes are to die for!

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

If I were an animal cracker and beheading was my fate, I could take comfort in knowing I'd be devoured by you!