Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday :)

I like grapes from time to time.

I love white grape juice.

I hate raisins.

Ostentatious is one of my favorite words but I don't often get a chance to use it.

Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade is pretty good.

I love the lowfat chocolate milk I snag from my job. ;)

I enjoy watching the Chef Jeff on the CJ Project even though I generally don't dig reality type shows. I dig what he's trying to do with these people on there.

I love cashews and almonds but peanuts are pretty okay too.

Cleaning out my bag and finding a few extra dollar bills tucked in between random receipts and papers makes me smile. Finding extra cash I didn't know I had rocks.

They say, I think....
  1. Please stop :: looking for ways to blame anything and everything else and start taking accountability for your own actions!

  2. Move over :: and don't forget to use your damn turn signal when you do!

  3. Sweet as :: ice cream. Mmm.

  4. Bet :: poker chips.

  5. Mad about :: You. (I think that's a show but I never watched it, lol.)

  6. It’s over :: the weekend. :(

  7. Intend to :: do better and stay more focused with goals.

  8. Blame :: pointing fingers.

  9. Jefferson :: third president.

  10. Heartless :: BITCH.

I updated my blogroll. It's about a mile long. I think I left some people out still. Too many new blogs I've found recently. I found a fucking awesome hockey blog and now I can't find it again. :( Oh well, lol.

Happy Sunday!


Dial-Up Princess said...

#5 was a show...happy sunday!

Anonymous said...

Please stop :: looking for ways to blame anything and everything else and start taking accountability for your own actions!

Girl. I cannot preach this shit enough. In every sense of life, reality, love, childhood, adulthood, business, government...whatever the fuck else is out there.

Take care of your own shit, people. Life would be so much easier...and cheaper!

I have always loved your perspective and your passion, and I still do. You rock, sister!

Much love, Sugar!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

MMmmm ice cream.. i just had some. coffee crisp ice cream.. YUM.

NaughtyASM said...

I love the whole signaling thing. Its a BIG pet peeve of mine.

Happy Sunday!

phairhead said...

there few greater joys in the world than low fat chocolate milk and finding random dollar bills in yr bag

Anonymous said...

You better have me over there or I'll have to pull that tongue of yours ;) I'm almost with you 100% with your top list!