Before then though, I had a little mishap at the house and freaked thinking I had lost my wallet because I couldn't find the damn thing. It's almost always in my bag so when it wasn't there, I was worried. I remembered the last time I used it Tuesday and remembered putting it in my bag. It took about 10 minutes but I found it. In the bathroom. In the drawer in the counter with my lotion, toothpaste, qtips and other things like that. No freaking clue how it got there but whatever. I was just happy I found it. :D
Anyway. After we ate, we went to Best Buy. That store is trouble for me. Clothes shopping? I hate it. Shoe shopping? I hate it. Best Buy though? OMG. I want a Nintendo DS right now something bad. I had the money in my account to be able to buy one and be fine until payday too. I resisted and got 3 CD's instead. Which is also a major accomplishment because I saw about 20 that I wanted. I picked up 7 that I really wanted and then worked it down to 3. I looked at all the pretty digital cameras. I looked at mp3 players with my youngest brother and Boyfriend in mind. I looked at DVD's of movies and TV shows that I wanted. HOUSE Season 4 has been out for a little bit now. I still haven't purchased it yet but GOOOOSH I WANT IT. Lol. I could seriously go in there and come out broke. In less than an hour. Good thing I have self control, lol.
Afterwards, it was off to Barnes & Noble. Which is almost as bad as Best Buy. I saw about 10 books I wanted. I stayed away from certain sections knowing there were things there newly out that I would want. I'm trying to save money though you see. So I picked up 5 books and narrowed it down to 2 books. The others can wait. Especially the one that was $35 and the other that was $40.
So, I did well and I'm happy about having new books and music to occupy myself with.
On the ride back, I got to thinking about something I used to do when I was a little kid. We were listening to a CD and I got to thinking. I remembered how we used to have cassette tapes and not CD's. That brought back memories of when I used to take blank cassette tapes and use a recorder to record songs right off the radio to make my own little mix times. I remember waiting forever to hear a song I wanted and then scrambling to hit record in time. Then getting annoyed at the DJ's for cutting off the end of the song with whatever they were going to say that wasn't near important.
Then that reminded me of a book I used to love from kindergarten, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. Then I remembered The Witches and how much I loved that book too. I've always loved reading. I still have a copy of The Witches too. Sometimes, even though I'm a little more advanced in my reading, I like to go back and read or skim through books I loved when I was a little kid. Earlier this year, I found an old copy of a Boxcar Children Mysteries book. I used to love those when I was little too. I read so, so many of them. I found that when we were moving stuff out of my mom's house in Texas. I think the book was my younger sister's actually but I remembered it was one I had at one point and decided to read it again. I spent about an hour reading that book and chuckling about how silly it seems now. I enjoyed it still because I remembered fondly that at one point in my life, I had loved and looked forward to all the books in that series. It takes me far less time these days when I flip through old books but I still enjoy doing it once in a while.
Happy Thursday y'all!
you are so gorgeous girl.... those eyes are so soulful and deep .. and easy to get lost in...
I could stare at you for just way too long. Love your eyes & your prettyness. ;)
Books, books, books--> I love 'em too....
:) Luv ya babe~
so....... how can you possibly look and not buy?
i need lessons,
and, yes, the eyes......
dreamy nice, nice cleavage too,
but the eyes..........
Oh those eyes! i could glaze into them for hours, but maybe not as my own eyes might start to wonder down a little hehe
A very HHNT
if you give a moose a muffin .. we have that one too.
you are beautiful - i love this pic of you
happy hnt
Best Buy is not so troublesome for me, but I can get into LOTS of trouble in Barnes and Noble.
Lovely photos as well.
If yr into kids' books (me too!) check out Cloudy w/ a Chance of Meatballs and it's sequel Pickles to Pittsburg
I get so much hassle from my wife about books. Like most SF fans I keep all the books I buy because they tend to go out of print for decades at a time, and she doesn't see why we have to turn an entire room over to keeping them. Doesn't everybody have a library?
I have the mouse book also. My son loved it, he also has 'give a moose a muffin' and 'give a pig a pancake'
Now he's more into 'Captain Underpants' and all the silly stuff. LOL I'm just glad he likes to read! And i'm getting back into it also.
You are beautiful!
We have several of the mouse/pig/moose books. LOVE those!
Any you are delicious, as always! :)
I get into serious trouble at Barnes & Noble, Paperback Express, Waldenbooks (though the one here went out of business) and the local one around here - Powell's Bookstore.
I've been known to go into this store focused on getting just one specific book, and coming back out with two bagfulls of books, and a bill for over $150!
There's just something about my reading habits that I can't control.. I think it's the overactive imagination.
What do you think? *wink*
ahhh the mix tape.. it was so stressful wasnt it?
i laugh about doing it now but we were all so determined.
youre so beautiful :)
You are so beautiful! Those eyes are killing me!
Great pics. HHNT!
what a pretty birthmark you have
:-) i love Best Buy, but its books for me. Whenever I go into any bookstore, I have to buy at least two books...
You are beautiful.
I used to love making mix tapes too! Rushing to record it and getting mad when they cut off the end! LOL. So many memories!
I was constantly making mix tapes when I was a kid... holding my tape recorder up to the stereo. And then in between songs I'd record myself as DJ. I'd ramble on and on about nothing and stage fake interviews (with myself.) Good old times.
You have beautiful eyes and great cleavage. No wonder you like showing them off. Happy HNT!
Your brown eyes are so gorgeous ;)
Happy HNT!!!
I love love love Roald Dahl's books. Hehe I had to giggle reading this .... a pure geek at heart xxx Beautiful pics as always . Mwah xxx
Excellent pic.
I don't reckon I have ever been in best buy!!
Great job on the Nintendo self-control. I suck at's overrated in my mind ;)
I used to record off the radio like that as well. Here's one up on ya though! I used to have a tape recorder/player and would put it under the speaker of the TV and recored straight off of MTV!!!
glad you and your mom had a good time!
I used to love the boxcar children too! And I'm tih you on the mix tape thing.. I did that before, and even after I had a CD player...
you have beautiful eyes!
Such a gorgeous face! And a gorgeous rack :)
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