Anyway, I go through the listings and write down several bars and restaurants that have ads up looking for help, making sure I get the phone numbers and the email address to send a resume to. I clicked around some more and found some other listings that looked promising and saved those too. I can't do any calling at 2 AM but I wanted to have them for Monday morning/afternoon.
Then I did a few where they had online applying. I did one that was easy as hell and I applied online in 10 minutes. I made sure I had the business phone number so I could call and check at a later date. Then I browsed for two minutes and found another appealing one, which I could only apply online for. It was a waitress job but they had listed that they only did online apps now as a way to rule out paper apps and become more environmentally friendly. Whatever, I breezed through it in 15 minutes and I was on to looking for more.
I then found another company I wouldn't mind working for and three of their local stores each had openings in their stores for something. The way they have it set up, you can apply at 3 different locations and apply for 3 positions doing one application. I'm thinking, 'hell yeah, I wouldn't mind working here and they start with decent pay plus I can apply for 3 different locations at once so right on!'. Not only was I able to apply at three locations at once, I got to pick 3 open positions I was interested in for each location. So, I was applying for 9 positions in one application. Cool stuff right there.
So, I started the application and filled in all my basics which took about 10 minutes. Then I had to read through a few agreements about background check, drug testing and stuff like that and agree to the terms. Sounds good, that took about 15 minutes. After I confirmed all that, it informed me the rest of the app would take about 45 minutes to get through 4 more sections. I get through most it in about 30 minutes then I get to the 3rd section, verify everything there which only took an additional 5 or 6 minutes. Then I go to the last page of the the 3rd section where it asks if I need to go back and change anything. I'm excited now because I know I'm almost done. I'm sick of reading and clicking, clicking and typing, trying to remember dates and etc etc etc. I grin and click "no change" and then happily hit the "next section" icon to get to the 4th and final section. It starts processing and then BAM, what do I get?
There's no way to save the application. Some online things (like for Target) offer where you can save an online app session up to 48 hours so you can complete it in more than one shot if you need to. When I have the option to do that when applying online, I usually do it. Not because I think I won't have time but just in case something happens (laptop dies, loss of internet connection, website goes down, etc) that way I can go back to it without having to start completely over. It takes a bit more time saving it every few steps but it has come in handy several times. This is one of those times that function would have come in handy.
This one though, while it had the awesome capability to apply to many of the company locations that were located near me, didn't have the feature to save my progress. No such luck there. Now, I'll need to start all over with this one later. And I probably will because it's a place I tend to go to on a regular basis and I would benefit from getting hired there for more than just a paycheck. Plus, they start at a nice rate of pay that would make up for me not working a tipped job and unlike my tipped job, they offer benefits after 3 months. So, it's worth applying for again. Just this time, it'll be in the afternoon, lol.
Just because the first one is ridiculous (but awesome) Musical Monday... Just because I love/adore Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. His current side project is Dead By Sunrise and this is a song by them.