I decided that once in a while, I'm going to post random text messages between my friends and I. I posted a few because of a question in my most recent Saturday Survey & I realized I get some silly, random, weird, funny text messages. Why not share? ;)
1. "Next time I play Guitar Hero w/him & we dual against one another & make a cash bet on who will win, Im gonna play in my sexy underwear. He will be so distracted by my naked ass & lace thong that Ill win & he will have to pay me back what I lost last bet LOL" - - From my guy friend, Fangs.
2. "Dont say ur that word! Discombobulated sounds like a dance move u do to The Bee Gees at a Disco. I cant deal with the mental image of u as a Disco Diva shakin ur groove thing to The Bee Gees on a light up dance floor under a disco ball." - - From Vanilla Coke.
I figured I would just save the ones that amuse me or that I feel like sharing in my phone and then when I get a good amount, I'll type them out here and share them. Should be fun though. My friends and I talk about interesting things. =o) Sometimes.
Also, I think I'll start randomly hiding pictures in my posts. Sometimes of me, sometimes of random stuff.
I got tagged! Naughty Eliot tagged me with the Honest Scrap.

First, link back to the person who gave you the award.
Second, give the award to ten other bloggers.
1. You
2. You
3. You
... See a pattern here? I don't want to tag anyone specifically because I know quite a few of you have done it but if you haven't and want to, please do! Don't forget to comment so I can come check out what you put up if you do it.
Finally, list ten honest things about myself!
1. I love the way most sunblock smells. Banana Boat Sport and Coppertone.
2. I love San Francisco, CA. I don't know why but I feel happy for no reason at all when I'm there. I've never lived there but I feel so at home roaming around the streets and hanging out anywhere in SF.
3. In the last week, I've sent and received a total of 523 text messages. I thankfully have unlimited text and unlimited multimedia. I text so much because I've moved a lot and have a lot of friends all over the place and it's actually cheaper to text a lot as opposed to having daily phone chats. 129 of those text messages were multimedia messages where I sent pictures from my phone to either my email or my MySpace account.
4. When I'm tired and can't sleep, I have several things I do. One, I grab a book and start reading. Often, I pick an Edgar Allen Poe book out and read a few poems. Or, I turn on my iPod and turn on a playlist I made of songs that relax me. Other times, I'll play my Nintendo DS. I'll play a mindless game and zone out which usually makes me sleepy. Other times, I write or draw. If none of that works, I just get up and find something to do to get myself tired. Luckily, I run very well off little sleep.
5. I love Twitter. It gives me a way to chat with people I like through out the day, see what they're up to, find out odd random little facts about them, etc.
6. I think Masuimi Max really hot and her tattoos are pretty awesome.
7. The movie Happy Feet always cheers me up. I love penguins; real and animated.
8. Saturday night (August 22nd) was one of the best nights I've ever had. I got to finally see my favorite band of 10 years for the first time ever. I also got upgraded to better, uh, seats but I'll save the details for the post I'm writing about the concert which I'm posting Wednesday.
9. Where I live now, we only have regular ol' television. Just your basic few channels full of network TV. Boring. I miss having Discovery Channel, History Channel, Travel Channel, A&E, Animal Planet and NHL Network to watch. I was spoiled by satellite and also, I just can't stand the majority of shows that come on TV. I hate reality shows and I don't like much else. I do LOVE House, Two and a Half Men, The Big Bang Theory and Family Guy though.
10. I LOVE dancing. I often dance around the kitchen when I'm cooking dinner or dance around in the bedroom when I'm back there by myself. I also dance in the shower sometimes too. I always have a song stuck in my head so I always have music to move with.
I have two videos I'm posting for Musical Monday.
First, is the new song by a band I've liked for 8 years, Breaking Benjamin. I wanted to post this last week but the official video didn't come out until 3 days ago so I had to wait. Though there were already videos by fans on YouTube, lol.
Breaking Benjamin - I Will Not Bow - Official Music Video (HQ)
Second, "Dig" by Incubus. Out of 7 CD's, this is one of my absolute favorite songs by them. I listen to it and I feel positive emotions swelling inside me until I want to just burst out laughing. I love love love this song. Aaaand they played it on Saturday night too. *happy sigh* I don't go all fan girl on here ever because well, I don't turn into a gushing fan girl over most bands, singers, actors, etc. I turn into a total fan girl over Incubus though. Which will be more apparent when I post about the concert on Wednesday.
You crack me up with all your goofy stuff :)
I guess it's been a while since I listened to Incubus because that song is not how I remember them.
I found the pics and THANK YOU so much for posting the "official" BB video for "I Will Not Bow"... Very cool!
You know, a couple of those click thru pics were hot, thanks.
The TV shows you listed are ones I watch with regularity also. I'm glad you did this, babe. :-)
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