I watch the world outside...
Thanks so much to everyone who read yesterday's post and left a comment or sent an e-mail in response. I always enjoy hearing what other people have to say on things. It's interesting to see how people react and think about different things. I find it interesting anyway. So thanks to those who offered up their thoughts on the issue! =o)
I'm trying to sleep... so stop pointing your camera at me... ;)

The Boyfriend and I are leaving Thursday afternoon to go out of town until Friday night. One of his good friends has a graduation that he wants us to come to so, we're heading out Thursday afternoon so we can spend the day there hanging out Thursday. Friday, early in the AM, is the graduation. Then we can hang out there a bit more before heading back home later Friday night.
We went and saw Funny People last night. It was LONG. Holy shit. It wasn't bad. Not as funny as I hope it would be but there were definitely plenty of funny and amusing parts. Very honest and good but LONG. There are a few parts they could had edited out to shorten it up and I wouldn't have missed them, lol.
Have a good day y'all!
Your picture is not loading. Please fix it so I can see you.
Pic isn't loading honey. Have a good time with your boyfriend on your trip.
Grrr! It should be working now? I can see the 4 pictures.
All four shots are wonderful. And I always love reading you.
Have a great rest of the week.
yes the pics are up and hot!!!
Your boobs never fail to leave me jealous and speechless.
Thank you! It's always nice to have a comment from you. =)
Thank you! ;)
*blush* Thanks.
I wish I had your boobs. They are delish and make me totally happy :)
Erotic lovey...
Grrrreat HNT!!!
I see all of the pics & they look great! You have lovely skin.
As always, your boobies are amazing!
xx Dee
You can have some of them? I really don't need this much, lol. Thank you! ;)
Thanks. ;)
Thank you!
I spend enough money on skin products, it better look nice! Lol ;)
Curvaceous Dee:
Thank you! =D
I can see your pics! Loving the boobage...as ALWAYS when I come here!!!
Good to know about Funny People. I really want to see it, but I'm so afraid that they stuck all the funny parts in the previews.
Have fun at the graduation!!
You boobs are always delightful but that top pic is frickin way way awesome!
Very sexy, love it!
Love your breasts...and the nipple poking out is sexy.
have fun! You look just delicious!
i especially love that first set of pics, the front pic is a great hazy shot of your face, and that nipple in the clicky is scrumptious
FUNNY PEOPLE, yeah the only thing that bothers me is how it seems that APATOW COMEDIES have taken over hollywood, not that they're bad, but where's the next great comedic mind?
I like how you go from "no HNT this week" to "here's 4 pictures"!
Mmm bewbies...
Happy HNT!
Your nipples through the tank top is a seriously sexy sight. I loved this series :-) Hope you enjoy your trip... HHNT!
I love to see your nips poking through your shirt, very sexy!
Very nice series, especially the first! Glad you decided to post HNT's after all! ;-)
I love the photos. The grainy quality is incredible and the subject looks lovely, as always.
HHNT! Enjoy the graduation/
Great pics, I like the shirt. It sounds comfy and looks really good!
The pics are fabulous. Enjoy your trip.
You definitely have an enviable rack, woman. Jealous? Yes. Yes I am. ;-)
Happy HNT. Enjoy your time away. Be safe.
what you talking about? you don't fit in that tank top ;)
i liked Funny People but damn those scenes at the ex-girlfriend's house took FOREVER
Like the look :-) Hope the trip goes well. Happy HNT.
Wow! hold on .. sec.. must compose!
Damn thats hot!
Holy second picture!
Great pics. (I am very jealous by the way.) ;) HHNT!
I love the nipples saluting . . . standing at attention.
I bet he finds it very difficult to get out of bed with you looking like that!
Have a great weekend :)
I always love nipple shots...
Very nice pics.
Damn, those are some luscious pics, sweetie!
Nice pics. I really love the the first click through pic. :) Happy HNT!
Skipping HNT??? Actually, after my week I considered it too, but I'm glad that you didn't!
You're lucky to have such lovely "girls" - sexy and beautiful!
oh you look so comphy and cozy.. can i join?
HHNT and have fun!
Incredible rack! I can only imagine how much attention you must garner with those babies! I just wish this was FNT!!
I love these shots, natural and a sexiness ... sill life in photography. Perfect! x
I agree with you completely on the Funny People! Though I really did like the one scene with the doctor and the joke about IKEA... LOL... Great photos, nice boobage :) Happy Belated HNT!
I really like the clickies. I'm a sucker for nipple :) yum, yum
You look sexy as hell in your boyfriend's tank!
Happy (late) HNT!
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