That picture over there on the left? That was taken at maybe 2 AM? I felt tired and looked tired but I also felt hyper and kind of spazzy. The black strings aren't strings or a necklaces. Those be the cords to my iPod headphones. I think I was jamming some Avantasia or Nightwish. Something of that nature.
I posted a lot of stuff on my Tumblr last night while I was bored and waiting for my laundry to get done. I love that website.
Tonight is GAME 6 in the Calder Cup Finals. If my Texas Stars lose, that's it. Hershey will win and be the Calder Cup Champions. I don't want that so... Go Stars! After the Calder is over, no more hockey until Fall.
At least I still have baseball. I just don't love that as much as I love hockey.
I have a job interview today. It's a 2nd interview with a place I interviewed last week. I'm so tired of interviews and 2nd interviews and still not having a job. So frustrating. Plus, I'm broke and I'm getting to a point where I won't be able to afford to keep going all over the place for interviews. Something please work out soon, thanks.
The bedroom smells like popcorn right now. I don't care much for popcorn. We don't even have any in the house, anyway. It's been months since someone last made popcorn. *shrug*
That's all the rambling for today. Anyone do anything fun or interesting this weekend? I hope y'all have a great day today.
Happy Monday!
Ur so pretty. I just love love love ur eyes theyre so round and pretty. That hair color is good on you too (apologies if thats natural?? lol)
Good luck on the jobs and I hope yas get something soon grrl!
I checked out ur Tumblr blog last night and I like it but I dont have a Tumblr blog to follow u on sorry! But I bookmark u and I do check in to see what ur posting! Those cakes u posted were TO DIE FOR.
My wkend was boring. No excitment here. MAYBE next wkend!
Ciao! <3
Great photo and good luck with your interview. I hope it turns out how you hope and it's your last one for a long while ;)
I just found your Tumbler blog site a couple of days ago. I like that you post a wide variety of images. It is truthfully nice to find a blogger that uses that website for more than erotica and pornography. A breath of fresh air. Most bloggers I follow have very sexual Tumbler blog sites so I tend to not follow their Tumbler sites because of this. I think people can post whatever they want to but I don't wish to be overly saturated in sex, erotica, pornography. It becomes less appealing the more you have it in your face, in my humble opinion.
You have very lovely skin!! Sorry if that is a strange or awkward compliment but I had to pay a compliment to you regarding the fresh and youthful look of your skin. I imagine your skin is a large reason in part to why people mistake you for being younger than your actual age? What care and beauty products do you use? If I may ask. You are quite pretty! You also have a rather sweet and innocent look about you.
I absolutely LOVE good popcorn. Perhaps you had/have a spirit in your room with you? I do not know where your beliefs lie on the issue of ghosts but it could be something for you to consider at any rate.
Your boyfriend sounds sweet. Could your family not take you out or have you over for a meal on your birthday in celebration of making it through life another year? Just a thought.
I love yr eye make up!
Good luck at the 2nd interview, chica!!!
I like your photo, you look pretty HOT at 2 am :)
Sometimes we can always do things on our Birthday...as long as you get to celebrate it and have fun at some point, that's all that matters :)
Have fun.......Kara XOXOXO
I haven't much to say except: You're hot. heh
Hope you have a great birthday tomorrow!!
happy b day, babes
I hope the interview went well!
I really need to check out your Tumblr....
you look so cute even at 2am. happy almost birthday!!
Anna Katrina
Hope your interview went well!
And I loved your previous post too. I'm being lazy and not going to it to post too :)
Great photo! My favorite one of you yet. :D
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