Friday, June 11, 2010

Picture show! & other stuff...

My birthday is in 4 more days. :) Hooray for turning 25 and insurance rates lowering a few bucks. Lol.

I was on Twitter and decided there were a couple people I wanted to go unfollow because they just cause a bunch of drama and start petty bullshit. I enjoy their blog posts but following them on Twitter? Not so much. So I got started and ended up finding more people to unfollow. I had 5 in mind and ended up unfollowing 83 people, lol. I doubt most of them will notice and I don't particularly care one way or another. I'm just happy to clean my timeline up a little bit. :)

My hair has gotten so long! I usually keep it shoulder length or a bit shorter. It's several inches below my shoulders now. I like it but with this heat and the lack of air conditioning, it's driving me crazy and I'm thinking I'll take a pair of scissors to it sooner or later. Probably sooner. Just to trim a few inches off of it. Even though I trimmed a couple inches off just a couple weeks ago. This picture is after I trimmed it up. Click it to big it.

I was waiting for my job interview to start on Wednesday and noticed this sign hanging.

I just giggled and had to snap a picture of it and share. I love things that are suggestive without being necessarily dirty. I posted it to my Twitter account and was amused by how amused some people were by it. The sign was hanging above to hallway that leads back to the restrooms. Which amused me more.

Now to share some stuff I posted on my Tumblr, because there are some awesome pictures on there but not many people check it out. :) I didn't take these pictures. I just find them and post them. Unless I say otherwise, it's not my photography on there. Just stuff I like or like the looks of. ;)

Ducks are one of my favorite animals. Th
is Mandarin duck is SO FUCKING PRETTY.

This one is from a beach in California. I love the beach and the ocean. I found this picture particularly striking but I'm not sure why.

Next? The Chicago Blackhawks beat the Philadelphia Flyers Wednesday night to win the Stanley Cup. They're the champions this year so congratulations to them. This picture? Some celebrating going on with Toews and Kane.

And since I posted some hockey players, I'll finish the picture show with a picture of the design of a t-shirt I so want. I hope this store still has these for a long time because once I am working again and have the money to spend, I want to buy this shirt.

There are some awesome hockey related shirts on this website. I posted more of the designs I really liked on my Tumblr. Actually, I want so many of them but that one? One of my favorites. LOL xD

Happy Friday!



Nic said...

Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! You're a quarter century old. Or 300 months, depending on how you look at it.

I know I'm 4 days early but I'm not available to wish you a happy birthday on your birthday.


Loved the pics as usual. That mandarin duck is so cute and colourful.

Just A. Girl said...

Funny service photo :)

There's something about birthdays after age 21. There isn't really a magical age, ya know? No major milestones.

Charlene said...

I love that picture of the duck. We have some Canada geese who live on a nearby creek. I often must stop on my way near them, to allow them to cross to the other side. I love doing that as it reminds me to slow the heck down and enjoy.

The duck's feathers are so perfect lying in the pattern of its genes. I wonder though, do you think that duck ever has a bad "feather" day?

K & J said...

I just turned 25 and my insurance stayed the same :S

Hope you have some fun things planned for your Birthday.


Panda Dementia said...

Something else you can do when you're 25? Rent a car! Yay?
Both the service sign & the hockey shirt are hilarious!
Yay for pretty pictures!

Carrie Ann said...

Lmao at that "service" picture. How did I miss that on twitter??

Happy Birthday in advance! :)

andrew deighton said...

this is my first blog comment from a proper keyboard ashly hope your happy my freind

13messages said...

Your posts are always so great. I want that service sign in my home.

I hope your birthday is an awesome one.

Polly Vincere said...

Nice post...
my boyfriend (for lack of more appropriate term) would like to point out that he is a swimmer, a/k/a an athlete that doesn't play with balls - although he does wear "nut huggers."
He also thinks your love of hockey is hot.
Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't let him read over my shoulder so much. ;)