My boyfriend's got jury duty all day and then work until midnight or later. This is my first birthday away from my parents and siblings so that's kind of odd but it's fine. :)
Panda Dementia is taking me bowling some time today, though. She didn't so much ask as tell me she was going to take me out to do something for my birthday. Not that I was going to argue about getting out of the house for something other than a job interview, lol.
Speaking of..... I have a job interview today, lol. Yep, another one. I don't know how many I've been on lately, I've lost count. Hopefully soon I can post about going to work instead of going on my hundredth interview. *fingers crossed*
I thought it would be fun to post a baby picture of myself to go with my birthday post.
I found one but it's tiny and not very good, lol. It'll do for this post however. ;)

Happy Tuesday!!!!!!
Leave a comment, please? :D
Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy getting out of the house and that you get a job offer too. What a birthday present that would be!
Thank you! :D
That's what I want for my birthday! Lol. A job would be the best gift for the moment. :D Hope you have a great day!
Happy birthday!
best of luck on the interview! yr a star :D
sorry lol
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU!!!! <3 Hope your day is as lovely as you are!!!
What a precious picture of you!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!
I want to send you a gift. Email me a wishlist or I'll just end up donating to your paypal account so you can get yourself a little something something on me.
Happy Birthday! Good luck with the interview!
Happy birthday! I agree, 25 isn't old. I'm 61 and I don't think that's old either. Matter a fact, I'll be old, because inside, I'm still a 25 year old kid.
Here's hoping you have a great birthday. XO
Happy Birthday! How 'bout a picture of you in your birthday suit?
Happy Birthday! Have fun and I hope you get the job!
Awwww adorable baby pic!!! You look kinda like me....the brown peach fuzz thing goin on, lol. I hope you have fun bowling and a good birthday
happy birthday to you! Hope that interview goes well!!
Happy Birthday! 25 is definitely not old at all :)
Happy birthday!! Just wanted to say as well I very much enjoy your blog, especially when you talk hockey. I can't say I am a Stars fan (Leafs are my team) but I am and always have been a HUGE Modano fan, one of the classiest players ever...anyway, hope your day goes well and that you finally get the call you've been waiting for: "When can you start?" Best wishes!
job searching sucks
happy birthday and i think you put your troubles aside for one day and celebrate!!!
Ash, even if you HAD said no, I'm not one to take no for an answer! I would've used my mad detective skills to track you down & kidnap you! :-D
Can't wait to see you, birthday girl!
Happy Birthday! Hope it's been a good one so far!
Happy,happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!! Love the baby picture! And I hope you have a great night bowling!
happy bday my gemini sista! youre blocked at work or i woulda been by earlier:)
ahhhhh to be 25 again. sigh.
Enjoy it!
Happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Ok so I'm 4 days late, whats 4 days amongst friends???
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