There are only 4 DAYS LEFT to make a paypal donation to the Toys for Tots fundraiser. Yes, only FOUR more days of seeing me talk about it all over the place, I know. I get tired of saying it but it's for a great cause so I do what I do, even if it's annoying. I was hoping I'd reach a certain number but I don't think that will happen since I'm still about $70 away from the number I was hoping to reach. But that's fine! I've still done well so far and I really appreciate everyone that has made a donation, you're awesome. :D And.... it's ALMOST TOY SHOPPING TIME! I'm excited. My favorite part of this is actually delivering the toys to the Toys for Tots drop location. I get super excited the whole way there and feel really happy the whole way home.
Now... Onward with typing whatever comes to mind. :)
One of my friend's and I had a really weird discussion about porn yesterday. It was weird because we were talking about going to the zoo and that turned into him remembering something he saw once in a porn that made him almost throw up. It was fairly disturbing. I asked if he'd found it online again and tricked his boyfriend into watching it yet. Kind of like Rick Rolling someone in a really disgusting, twisted way. That will make them wish they could bleach the thought of it from their mind. I didn't even see it and I wish he'd never told me because the mental image is... bleh. And no, I will not say what it is because I can't bring myself to type it out in fear of thinking about it again in detail might make me throw up the scrumptious omelet I just consumed.
By the way, speaking of omelets.... If you say the word "omelet" 10 times fast, it sounds really weird and you start to sound a little Russian.******************
I always get amused when I say the words joint, blunt, high, bowl, smoke and papers in a conversation that has nothing to do with drugs and someone starts snickering at the double meaning in the word. Way to give yourself away there. ;)******************
I get really tired of people acting like it's the end of the world because I say I don't want children. There's enough kids in the world. And really, there doesn't need to be a miniature version of me running around. Also, and most importantly, I have absolutely no interest in being a mother or raising children. I'll never understand why that's such a hard concept. I get the explanation of why it's so hard to understand from a societal standpoint but come on. I'm happy that so many people are super happy to have children and love being parents. Cool for you but that's not for me. Depending on how you broach the subject, I'll either quickly explain or Snarky McSnarkerson will roar to life. Most people fall into the "insulting" category with how they approach the subject so I don't often end up explaining. No big deal honestly because I shouldn't have to explain. You don't often hear people asking other people why they want to have kids and then going off on tangents about the benefits of not having kids. It's not like I hate kids, I don't. I'm even really good with most kids. I just don't want any of my own, lol.******************
Sneezing in the middle of a cough is a really weird feeling. It doesn't hurt, it just feels awkward.Sneezing in the middle of brushing your teeth only hurts if the toothpaste goes into your nasal cavity and comes out your nose. Also, on top of being disgusting and unpleasant, it gets pretty damn messy. It goes EVERYWHERE.
Sneezing while gargling mouthwash is pretty unpleasant, too. That burns coming out of your nose. I also have the automatic reaction to try and vomit so I don't swallow a bunch of gargled mouthwash.
Oh and last but not least; I have no clue on that aforementioned omelet theory. Though I wonder how many of you tried it after I said it. :DHappy Monday!
Hey it's concretefluff (Victoria) from twitter. And I have the same issue with kids. I don't want them. I have absolutely no urge to be a mother. My husband feels the same way. He got a vasectomy at 28 he was so sure. But yet everyone tells me I'll change my mind. It's infuriating. We won't change our mind. Someone once told me we were selfish for not wanting them. To me selfish is having them because it's what society expects not because you actually want to raise them & give your life up (cuz that's what you have to be willing to do).
Sorry for the rant. It's just cool to find someone who gets the urge to not want kids.
I hear your pain on the kids issues. I'm the same way and couldn't agree more with what you said. I love kids, I'm great with kids...just don't want my own.
Thank you for refusing to divulge the porn thing. Because the pervert in me really wants to know (no, there's no pervert actually in me right now; I am referring to my pervy side), and it really sounds like something that, once I know about it I can't un-know. So again, thanks.
We find the weed-related words bit relatable, although as we haven't gotten high in years we do it more with sexual words: Head, balls, pearl necklace, coming, sausage, backdoor, anal, etc. We're such children.
Don't let anyone tell you that you have to have children. Don't even let them assume that you're just not ready yet but will be someday. Not having kids is a perfectly acceptable choice to make, and people need to understand that what worked for them won't work for everybody. I feel more qualified to say this as a parent, knowing exactly how much hard work goes in to raising a child.
There's NOTHING wrong with not wanting kids. I mean, I wish there were more folks who were more responsible with thinking things through.. Then we wouldn't have all these welfare families sucking our economy dry because they can't provide for their kids, much less themselves.
Don't get me wrong here. Welfare is good for those who need assistance while they are trying to get back on their feet and support themselves, but there are WAY too many people who mooch off the system and never try to wean themselves off of it and do the job themselves.
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