Thank you to all the comments on my $50 tip post. I, like some, were very skeptical about it and the intentions behind it. At first. After I got over my initial cynicism and couldn't rationalize it any longer with logic that wouldn't fit anywhere, I decided to look at it as a very special gift. I looked at the note as three girls some how knowing I needed a boost and needed to know that there was something in this girl that was special. I still don't know what that is but I know there's something. The money, I used to buy pizza for my family one day and I tipped the delivery boy $10. He was very surprised and grateful. I gave the rest out randomly to various people I came across. I thought of just keeping it but then, I didn't really need the extra money for anything. The note and the interaction with the girls was the important things that I took away from that experience.
My contribution to the half naked crowd today is a simple shot. Not showing any skin and it isn't anything bad at all. So if that's what you come for, be like the tons of people who don't come here any longer and move along, there's nothing here for you to see either.
I'm sick and I don't have make-up on. That's naked to me, just in a different way than most people think. I think when you're sick, it's a time when you look your worst. Inwardly, you usually feel miserable and those ill and miserable feelings reflect on the outside.
I love Candy Canes. We always hang them from our Christmas tree after it's all decorated up with ornaments and what not. The peppermint helps soothe my raw and irritated throat. It also serves as a handy little prop for the picture. I did some green tinting to the picture as well to try and add to the festiveness of it all. It's not that great a picture but I like it. Even though I'm sick and my skin is naked of the make-up that often adorns it. :)

Happy Thursday y'all!
X's & O's... from a safe distance, wouldn't want any of you getting sick. ;)
I love all of your shots. There's something familiar about your face that I can't quite place. Either an old friend or maybe a movie star. Anyway, it's nice to read more about the $50. I'm still so intrigued.
Your unadorned face is quite lovely, honey. It's so nice to hear stories like yours, restores your faith in humanity just a little. ^_^
YAY 4 just 3 more weeks!!!!! I'm so damn excited 4 u & him 2 be together again. :)
hope you feel better real soon.
I woke up with a a bit of a sorethroat this am. Damn this season :)
I like what u did w/ the pic. U & the candycane look cute as can be :) Kisses back atcha :)
I don't wear make up very often as my skin hates it .. I find natural beauty much better than a face covered in concealment ;) .. hehe I just sent my little one off to bed with a candy cane :D xx
Happy HNT!
Hope youo are feeling better. Your unmade up face is lovely as well, although it makes you look so young I feel horribly guilty for any naughty thoughts I may have had about you.
I have about quit wearing make up myself!!
Hope you feel mo better soon!
Being sick sucks, but a candy cane oughta make you feel a lil better.
Love this! If you weren't sick I'd ask for a lick of that candy cane, but ummm you can keep your germs... lol!
i have to pipe up to 13messages comment- i think the same thing when i look at your pics. You must have an old soul- it shows in your eyes!
Happy HNT!
Sorry you are sick but look totally adorable with that candy cane.
You have some of the wisest eyes I've ever seen. Old soul, indeed.
Im not much of a one for candy canes - far too sweet! Ive had a lurgy too but I dont look anywhere near as good as you, green tinged or otherwise :)
I was going to say can i suck you candy cane with you but as your not feeling that well i`ll pass ;)
Feel better soon!
get better soon .. and you look sooo cute with a lolly in your mouth ;)
Happy HNT
Sweet! Happy HNT :)
Natural is beautiful!
i won't say what i'm thinkin'.....but sound like you could use a little "father bob's elixir.
Can I be a candy cane too? I would love to feel your sweet lips!
Happy HNT!
I have to say AR.. The way that you handled the unexpected tip you got was excellent.
You, my dear, have paid it forward in using the gift you were given to spend it and the time with others.
Much good Karma headed your way!
That, and some vitamin C!
You are still beautiful without the make-up.. And I like the natural look!
Would he be there on New Year?
Happy HNT!
that's great! good pics for sure.
HHNT to you!
meeting boyfriends when u havent seen them is always an awesome moment :-) and sweetie, you seriously dont really need make-up, you are naturally beautiful :-)
happy HNT!
Those candy canes got around this week :-) Happy HNT.
you still look sexy
I think you did well by the money! You paid it forward, then you could feel like you were not at the mercy of this person, but did not need their lousy 50 bucks, if it was given that way.
I love that you passed it on. :)
You made everyone's day a bit brighter, and that's awesome.
I am sincerely hoping that you do get better soon. Being sick sucks!
Boyfriend coming to visit? Yay you! Looks like you are on Santa's nice list this year.
Thanks for visiting and love your lips wrapped around that candy. HHNT from Sin City
Beautiful! I have a pic similar to this that I was going to post on next weeks HNT :)
hello lovey... can i totally pucker up and share that candycane with ya?
and thank you for sharing ... YAY!
Your beautiful, make up or not, inside and out ;o)
I LOVE Candy Canes! And you're beautiful with or without make up. Feel better!
I think natural shots are the best. =) and your very beautiful. Happy HNT! =)
Make up or not, you are beautiful. Hope you feel better, I haven't felt good the past few days either. It sucks!!!
HHNT!!! xoxo
Lucky candy cane!!
Hope you are feeling better too! It sucks to be sick! And you look just as beautiful without make up :)
yeesh.. i dont want your cold. we will make out next week ok?
gorgeous babe. i love candy canes also. they are so yummy
I hope you're not sick in a few weeks :( I know what you mean about the visitors. I would get double or triple the comments on my skin photos. Just look at which scar pic got the most comments. Now it's mostly girls coming by for the kids :)
I have been so busy this week. This is the first chance I have had to check out your postings. I have to get back to reading.
You are killing me this week. All of the candy canes and pretty faces? I can't take it any more! I need a bite, woman!
You are so gorgeous!
Hiya Angel!
Happy HNT a few days late!
Nice photo with the candy cane!!
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