Youngest Brother was having one hell of a time waiting for 22's girl to show up. His mountain of gifts were taunting him, lol. His best reactions were to his Xbox 360, hockey skates, Daniel Sedin jersey tshirt and the autographed hockey puck. I got him the Sedin jersey tshirt (one of his favorite Vancouver Canucks players, yeah he loves a Canadian team) and he tackled me on to my bed when he opened it up he was so happy about it. The Xbox 360 was too cute though because he got up and did an excited little dance for it. I got him his first band tshirt (Atreyu) and a CD. He also got some other Vancouver Canucks stuff from our sister that he was happy as hell with. Then an Xbox game or two, some DVD's and some other stuff I can't remember.
My sister finally got an mp3 player though it wasn't the iPod she wanted but she's definitely happy with it now. One of the gifts she got was from my boyfriend and it was a Brenden Morrow (Captain of the Dallas Stars) tshirt. She jumped up and hugged him she was so happy about it. He's one of her favorite players and she goes nuts over him, lol. I'm not the only hockey nut in my family as you can see. ;) She loved all the hockey stuff she got plus all the books, CDs, Bath & Body Works junk, gift cards and anything else she got that I can't remember.
My mom got my boyfriend a fondue set and a beginner cake decorating set. Sounds silly to some but he liked it. He loves fondue and he loves to bake. He's damn good at it too! YB got him a band tshirt that he picked out himself. YB was proud because this is the first year he's got to pick out gifts for everyone and he did well. My dad got Boyfriend the movie American Gangster on DVD. Which, coincidentally, 22 got for me as well, lol. 22 got boyfriend some triple disc thing for the movie Hellboy 2. I dunno what the hell it was, lol. I'm not a Hellboy fan I suppose since I've never taken the time to pay any attention to it at all. One of the things Little Sister got him was a shot glass and tumbler set with the Dallas Stars logo on it. They were heay bottomed and the logo was silver. I got him a band tshirt, a CD and... a digital camera plus memory card. He's been needing a new one and I was so excited to have the money to be able to buy him one. I totally couldn't afford any of the amazing cameras that he wants for real photography and what not but I could afford him an everyday digital to use for whatever. He was happy and since he's gone back away from me, he's used it and says he really likes it. Which makes me happy. I'd hate to have spent so much money for something he hated or didn't like, lol. His buddies went in together and got him a fucking Marty Turco (Dallas Stars goalie) jersey. I wanted to get it but really, I couldn't afford the fucking thing and the camera was actually cheaper, lol.
22 got gift cards, video games, CDs and some clothing. He was hard to shop for this year because he wouldn't tell anyone anything he fucking wanted. Also hard because he pretty much buys all his own toys and the other things he wants/needs are way more than any of us can afford. Like he could really use a new truck since wrecking his a few months back, lol. I could afford a Tonka truck or maybe a nice remote control one that would be fun to play with. If I could afford him a new Ford F-150 though, I'd be buying myself a new car instead. =x Lol.
My mom got so much stuff. CDs, DVDs, coffee mugs, Bath & Body Works junk, new cookwear, random other stuff I can't remember and you guessed it, hockey stuff. She's a Stars fan but given that she also lives in California for a portion of the year (it's complicated and I won't be explaining so take it for what it is please, lol) she's a fan of the San Jose Sharks. So she got a couple of SJ Shark jersey tshirts featuring some of her favorite players and a nice Sharks throw blanket. She's used that throw blanket everyday thus far to wrap up in. ;) One of the things my boyfriend got her was a Mario Lemiuex autographed card. She freaked the fuck out oer that as he is one of her absolutely favorites. The look on her face was priceless and she wouldn't even let anyone look at the thing for the longest time, lol. Which was okay because I was the one who ended up wrapping it so I had plenty of time to look it over beforehand. ;)
My dad got pajamas, shoes, Blu Ray DVDs and some other stuff. He just got a 52 inch flat screen HD TV for his birthday in mid-December so of course, he wanted the Blu Ray for it. Though they were going to wait until next year to get it. So I came up with the idea that me, Boyfriend and 22 could all go in together and be able to afford him one. Little Sister thought that a good idea and wanted to go in so we got to split the cost of the Blu Ry player 4 ways. Which was awesome and made it totally doable. We gave him the Blu Ray DVDs on the pretense that we were helping him start his collection so that when he finally got the player he would have some Blu Ray's to go with it. He was happy with the ones we got him. Then after everyone else finished opening everything, we brought out the Blu Ray player for him. :)
Of course Boyfriend's mom didn't come but he had to get some things for her. Boyfriend and I split the cost of a really pretty table top relaxation fountain. She loves the one I have so getting her one of her own was a good idea. I'm glad he thought of it actually, lol. ;) I got her some Yankee Candles too. She's always burning candles and their house always smells nice because of it. I got her something from Bath & Body Works and an awesome little trial size of a hand cream that makes your skin amazingly soft. Plus some house shoes. Boyfriend got her some other stuff too. I'm hoping it all made it back alright with him. I forgot all about that stuff actually, lol.
My sister got me this limited editon set for the movie 300. I *love* that movie. *swoon* She also got me two CD's, one of which is a Seether CD of them performing songs live. I love Shawn Morgan's voice so that made me happy too. YB was anxious for me to open hos gifts because again, it was his first year to really pick things out for people. He found a bunch of Jack Skellington stuff, Reversible beanie, rubber bracelet and gloves and got them for me knowing I LOVE The Nightmare Before Christmas/Jack Skellington stuff. The fact that half the junk on my Hot Topic wishlist is just TNBC/JS stuff doesn't hurt either though the beanie was the only thing from my list that he got. The other two were just picks he thought I would like and he was definitely correct. :) My mom got me a messenger bag from HT with a skull on the front of it. It's pretty neat. I don't dig purses honestly because while I like carrying stuff with me, I prefer to be able to sling it around my body and go. My dad got me a Mudvayne CD and an Opeth CD. The Roundhouse Tapes which is some of their best songs recorded live. I've listened to it so many times already, lol. I love the fuck out of Opeth. Their music, to me, is so haunting, beautiful, amazing and soothing all together. I just love their music. *happy sigh* 22 got me two DVD's, American Gangster and 30 Days of Night. Which isn't as bad as I initially thought it would be. I actually enjoy it and didn't laugh my way through half of it, heh. 22's girlfriend got me a giftcard to Wal-Mart and I got her something from Bath & Body Works. Meh. Boyfriend got me.... himself! Lol. Actually, that surprise (clickity click if you missed the post and head to somewhere else for even more details) financially was a joint effort between him and my parents to get him out here to visit for Christmas. Which was awesome. I was so happy to have him here with me for 5 days. We didn't do much at all but we spent most of our time together with each other, doing a lot of nothing. It was nice. :) He did get me a few things though, even though I told him not to. *grin* He got me a book I wanted, Ninhja The Shadow Warrior, lol. It's a silly book a little bit but I wanted it. He also got me two pairs of amazingly comfy lounge socks from Bath & Body Works. They feel sooo good and they keep my feet so warm. I did laugh at calling them lounge socks at first but after wearing my shoes with them once, for about an hour, I decided it wasn't so funny anymore. My feet got HOT as hell with those socks on plus shoes. They're definitely not meant to be worn with shoes and totally meant for lounging around in, lol. He also got me a little stuffed penguin to add to my big collection of plush and toy penguins. LOVE penguins and have about 12 or more little penguins as it is but I just love them, heh. This one is sooo cute too! Then there was the autographed Mike Modano card and the Mikey Mo tshirt. Modano has been my favorite player since I was about 9 years old. I have a nice little collection of autographed Dallas Stars stuff and I'll be adding that awesome little card to my collection. My mom got me a TOOL band tshirt Nikon Coolpix L18 digital camera. Which rocks because now I can stop taking picture using only my camera phone, lol. In case you ever wondered why my pictures aren't the greatest, that would be why. Almost every picture on here has been taken with my Samsung camera phone, lol. I was happy as hell to get the camera. I take so damn many pictures, it's not even funny. I get bored and start snapping. My boyfriend who often gets random goofball pictures of me in his cell phone inbox can attest to that fact, lol. Anyone out there who has seen my myspace page can attest to that too actually. So yay! I got House Season 4 from Fangs and a few more of my friends got things for me as well because they rock. Even though I told them not to! People never listen, I tell you what. I got giftcards from Barnes & Noble, Hot Topic and Best Buy for a few friends though, even though they told me I didn't have to. Meh, I guess I don't listen either. =D Gosh I think that's all, phew.
Something cool we did with the gifts this year was on some more expensive things, a few of us all pitched in to buy it. Such as the Blu Ray for my dad. YB's hockey skates, my parents paid for half and Boyfriend, myself, LS and 22 chipped in the rest for them. The insanely expensive Xbox 360 game that 22 really wanted, my mom and boyfriend split the cost of that to get it for 22. The relaxation fountain for Boyfriend's mom. I think some other things as well but I don't remember. That was fun though because we were able to get some more expensive items for everyone that otherwise one person wouldn't have been able to buy on their own.
So after we got everything cleared away and put the furniture all back in place, we lounged around and watched a Christmas movie. I laid on my bed, cuddling with my boyfriend and pestering him a little bit while we laid there watching Christmas With The Kranks. YB took his hockey skates outside to try them out and Boyfriend and I hung outside with him for a bit while we did that. We had a big appetizer style lunch and instead of eating at the table, we all got our plates and sat around in the living room together to eat and hang out. We watched movies and just lounged around. My boyfriend complained about wishing he could stay longer. My mom said she'd just tie him to a chair and then call his boss the next day and let them know he wasn't coming in because he was being held hostage in California. YB and LS both mentioned they wished he could stay longer a few times. I agreed with all of them too heh but he had to get back to work on the 26th so c'est la vie.
Around 2, it was time to head off. Boyfriend's flight was due off at 6 pm and it's a little more than 2 hours to the airport from where we live. We wanted to get there plenty early incase it happened to be busy. I know not a huge amount of people fly on Christmas Day but I figured it might be busy because you can get flights for much cheaper. It was actually busy but we got there with time to spare. Which was nice because Boyfriend, mom, YB and myself sat around chatting some more before he had to leave to go through security and then wait to board his flight. We did some people watching and talked sports most of the time we sat there. Then it was time for him to go. YB hugged him 3 or 4 times which was cute. My mom got a little misty eyed when she was saying goodbye to Boyfriend which was sweet. I'm glad she likes him so much. I plan on keeping him around a while so it's good most of my family likes him so well. :) (Which reminds me, at Thanksgiving this year, my grandma told me she'd try and steal him away from me if she were 50 years younger. I totally have to remember to tell that story sometime this week, lol!) Then I walked away with him so we could be all huggy and smoochy away from everyone. I didn't cry because I had all day to work up to saying goodbye, lol. I have a love and hate relationship with our goodbye kisses. I love them because they are so intense and amazing. I hate them because I know they'll be the last I get until I see him again in a couple months.
We left the airport and then headed home.
Once there, we ate some sweet stuff and then hung around the house. Eventually, we played Rock Band downstairs. My dad, me and 22's girlfriend who woke up and decided to play the drums even though she slept pretty much the whole time she was there visiting minus gift time and food time but whatever to that, not going there. When she quit playing, 22 stepped in and played. YB usually plays but he was wrapped up in his Xbox 360 upstairs in his room. 22 got Rock Band a month or so ago but I hadn't really played since July so it took me a few songs to not completely suck balls again, lol. It was so much fun! My dad first played Rock Band when 22 got it a month or so ago and he really digs it and he does well. Fun fun fun. We played for two hours but it didn't feel that long at all. Never does though, heh.
I was getting text updates here and there from Boyfriend. Letting me know when he landed and made it alright and when he was boarding and leaving on his next flight. Boyfriend's initial flight out ended up being delayed half an hour but he ended up making it back home early by about 20 minutes. So yay for him. We talked for a while once he was home but not for long. He was tired and I was tired. I slept so fucking good that night. Even without his nice warm body taking up space next to mine, heh.
Did you make it to the end? Go you! I feel like I should give out prizes or cookies or something, lol. If you read all of this start to finish then thank you so much for taking the time to do that! I know this was a little on the lengthy side for sure but hey, it's me you know. =)
Now for some Music Monday. I love Incubus. One I think Incubus is a badass name for a band. ;) I also love sexy Brandon Boyd's voice and love the lyrics to most of their songs. They've been one of my favorites for a long, long time. I've had this song stuck in my head since around Christmas Eve so here we go.
Happy Monday y'all!
Wow, rocker chick, that was a lot. lol ;)
But it sounds like everybody got some fun gifties and HEY! You fiiiiinally got a CAMERA! woot!
A boyfriend who surprises you early AND cooks?!? Yep, definitely a keeper!
Glad you had such a great holiday season. Here's to more in '09!
... gonna listen to your Incubus selection while I read s'more to catch up with you a lil bit. =)
Coooool blog!
You got a shitload of stuff! Wow. I got a shirt and a digital camera. That's it. LOL
OK so your Christmas ROCKED! I am so happy for you. Here is hoping that you have an equally good New Years Celebration!
I made it! Haha. Sounds like an absolutely splendid way to celebrate the holidays.
I have a penguin obsession as well. :)
With the exception of BF leaving it sounds like you had an awesome Christmas!
Have a fun and safe new year!
I read the ENTIRE thing! WHEW! I'm glad you had a good Christmas. :)
Sounds like you had an exceptional Christmas...and can I just say dang you got a LOT of stuff!
Hope your New Year is as beautiful as you are.
Someone made out like a bandit! Sounds like the holidays were rocking for you and the fam!
With all the stuff you made off with, you're going to need to have the folks take out a new wall, and have a partial addition tacked onto the house!
Have a very Happy New Year AR!
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