I felt really awful for the man. I've never in my life seen anyone staring at a meat case in the grocery store looking so utterly lost and sad. Anyone that has read my blog for any length of time knows that I'm big on helping people out when I can. I'm not in the best place right now, being unemployed and broke as hell. I know there are people out there who have it worse and that have bigger problems than I do, though. So, I take each day in stride and try to remember that while life kind of fucking sucks right now that it could be worse. I'm a sucker for helping people, though. I had a job interview on Tuesday and while walking down the street in downtown Dallas, some guy and a lady asked me if I had any change I could spare because they wanted to get some burgers off the dollar menu from McDonald's. I have less than $60 in my checking account currently but at least I have a place to live and food in the house. Even if it's not a lot of food, it's still more than a lot of people have. I had $17 in my wallet. I gave them $5. They got happy, thanked me several times and then scurried down the street and went into the downtown McDonald's. I told a friend about it and he asked me why I would do that when I don't have much money myself and no income and no one to help me out financially. I didn't really have an answer other than the fact that $5 isn't that big of a deal and if it went to feeding some people who might not have gotten to otherwise eat, then it went to something good. Which makes me happy to be quite honest.
I do a lot of good things and volunteer a lot of free time into helping others. I don't talk about it much because I don't do it for praise or anything else. I don't do things like that because I feel like I have to either. I do things like that because while I might not have much right now, I still feel like a pretty lucky person and I still have more than some people. If giving an hour of my time, some cans of vegetables or $5 for some double cheeseburgers can help make another person's life better, that's worth it to me.
The $15 Barnes & Noble gift card was a birthday present from a friend. While I would have loved to go by myself a book or two, I would like to think the man in the grocery store that I gave it to will enjoy it more. I hope that, even though he was so unhappy and sad, that my small gesture might have made the day suck a little less for him. At least someone somewhere acknowledged the day for him, even if it was a random stranger he'll never see again. He wasn't asking me for anything and I didn't feel obligated to help him. I just thought it might cheer him up a little so, why not?
I think if everyone made an effort to do something to help other people once in a while it would make the world a better place. Too many people are selfish, to be honest. So many people don't give a shit about helping anyone. If you don't want to help other people, fine, don't. There's no law that says you have to. Just don't make bullshit excuses about why you can't because no matter how good the excuse sounds, that's all it is.
It takes so little to make another person's day a little brighter, a little better. You don't even need money or gift cards to do it, either. Say something nice to someone when you normally wouldn't. You know, that can of green beans and that ca of beets that have been in the pantry for months? Take them and drop them off at your local food bank. Ask a random person how their day is. Have a few shirts in your closet you rarely or never wear anymore or maybe some pants that don't fit anymore? Find a shelter and drop them off. There are tons of ways you can do good things for other people that are less fortunate than you. The small things that seem so insignificant to you just might be a huge gesture to someone else. You just have to want to.
Happy Tuesday!
Leave a comment, please?
Here's hoping you have a good, no great day. You deserve one for all the caring you have shown to others.
And good luck in the job hunt too.
Good for you. :)
I remember once, when I was deep in depression, in the grocery store, shopping, zombie-like, barely able to hold back tears. A man stopped me in the aisle and asked me if I was ok, true concern on his face.
I will never forget that. In one of my darkest times, a complete stranger reached out to me and showed concern. It meant so much to me. Hopefully you touched this man in the same way.
I love you
I thought there was something wonderfully special about you.
You just proved me right.
Poor guy.
What you did was wonderful and you are right, no matter how bad your life seems, there is always someone who is "worse" than you. I hope karma treats you right and you get a job soon!
*sniff* I'm at a loss.. Really.. Ash, you're a good person. I'm glad to know you in any small way.
You're such a sweetheart! The goodness that you put out in the world will come back to you.
There should be more people like you in this world.
Part of the reason I'm in the field I'm in is because I like helping people. And it's why I like to work with community agencies and people that have virtually nothing, as opposed to in private practice, even though there's more money in the latter. I want to help the people that need the most help, where I can truly make a difference. And when they thank you, they really mean it.
That was truly a wonderful thing you did. He was feeling like no one cared, but you did. You never know, you may have changed his life for the better, forever. XOXO
I loved that story. It's nice to be reminded that there are still people out there who care so much about others, even if they are only strangers. You're an amazing person.
I began following you last year when you did the Toys For Tots fundraiser on your blog. Reading this doesn't surprise me. It does warm my heart and soul. You are so young and have so much concern and compassion for people. That isn't common in most adults and even less common in young people. You my dear, are a beautiful wonderful inspirational young lady.
You probably made that poor mans day. He was probably upset feeling alone as if no one at all cared. Good for you.
The people saying the world needs more people like you? Realize that by becoming a better person and doing some good once in a while that YOU could be one of those people the world truly needs more of! They are not put here by some great source magically. Great people like this are made of actions and conscious decisions! Anyone could be a better person and help people by just making the choice to do so. Thank you for reminding me of that young Ashly.
Aw bless you :) You're an amazing person and the world needs more people like you! I bet you made his month, let alone his day!
Glad I clicked over to your blog today! It is nice to extend the hand of friendship and nice to be reminded in such a sweet way, through your experience. btw, saw a job posting in my field about a week ago at UT Dallas. Prospect Research Associate in their fundraising office. Not sure if it is of interest to you, but wanted to pass it along.... Wishing you the best.
Aww, no making me cry at work! This was really sweet of you to do. It's wonderful to be able to reach out and make someone else feel less lonely or like they're not forgotten. Just a simple acknowledgment of their humanity can make a world of difference.
Perfect karma. There was a reason you didn't spend that gift card earlier. :)
Things usually happen for a purpose, even if we can't see it at the time.
You rock! I'm sure that man was touched & his day made a little brighter. I have to admit your story threw me for a loop. I saw the 1st part about a man crying at the meat counter & thought for sure he was going to turn on you & be a hardcore vegetarian. I thought he was going to start preaching about meat is murder. I almost wish that was the case now. I feel bad for the guy. Goes to show you never know.
You're an inspiration & thank you for sharing your good deeds. I know you don't do it for show or to get praise. Like other commentors said, I'm lucky to know you. Thank you.
LIke I told you when I saw your tweet, you are a good person! I read something the other day that said good behooves good. It will come back to you...I know it will. :)
You know how better the world would be if more people followed your example? That was an amazing gesture, and I have no doubt that he will always remember Father's Day as the day that a complete stranger reached out to him in his time of need. Good on you.
This is a really good post...yes I agree with you here.
Doing a kindness for someone is the best way to make your own life better; irregardless of how it helps another.
You are a good woman, and not in the nauseating Kathie Lee Gifford sense of the phrase.
I only hope the universe returns your karma to you.
Made me cry, in a good way. I wish more people were are helpful as you.
Wow, what a story. Good for you for stopping though, and I'd imagine that $15 card meant a ton to him on that day.
Too many people would walk on by.
that is pretty awesome what you did.
I ran in to a guy on my way to the station the other day and he was standing on the curb, then came up to me and asked for some money so he could get something to eat. I'm in the same place as you - not much $$ but always try to help (& not just for kharma's sake) when I can. He said he was on his way to a shelter downtown.
Felt for the guy but don't hardly ever carry cash. So when I was inside getting my coke for the show I picked him up one of those triangle sammiches and a big water.
He thanked me so much and ate the whole thing before I even got out of the parking lot while he waved good-bye to me.
Wow! That was probably the best gift he received in a long time. High five!
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