"Ugh, I hate old people!" Or anything like that, pisses me off.
I hate when people try to defend anything by saying, "but old people are all rude and cranky." Not all elderly people are rude and cranky. Just as many middle aged and young people are fucking rude, cranky and whiny, too. Also, you have no idea what a person you don't know has gone through in their life. You have no clue if they're normally that cranky or if they're having a bad day. You don't know that they're dog or favorite goldfish didn't die. You don't know that person or anything about them. Sure, that doesn't give them an excuse to be a dick to someone they don't even know but don't assume you know them, either. I also don't get why a stranger being rude to you will fuck up your whole day or half your day. Whatever. I get annoyed with rude people. I'm rather polite and rude people no matter what age piss me off. For about 1 minute or less and then I'm over it. If you choose to hold on to it and let yourself be in a bad mood over it, that's your choice to let a stranger you're not likely to see again have that kind of power of you.
I also HATE seeing and/or hearing people complain about old people just because they're *gasp* not young anymore. An elderly person in line at a store maybe taking too long to get their money or card ready to pay for their purchases. And older person walking too slowly in front of you when you can't move around them right away. Getting annoyed when you have to repeat what you're saying because they didn't hear what you said. Having to listen to a story several times over because they don't remember they told you already. We all know what kind of things I'm talking about so I won't list them all.
Sure, it can be annoying at times. So can any person of any age. I'm not talking about people who get annoyed once in a while because that's just part of life. I'm talking about the ones who constantly get annoyed every time or almost every time that kind of stuff happens just because the person is old and perhaps isn't as sharp or quick as they were when they were younger. The people who constantly moan, groan, roll their eyes and bitch about elderly people are the ones who really piss me off.
For those people? You're not going to be young forever. You won't hear, see, move, etc the way you do now forever. For that day when you're old and no longer hear as well, see as well, move as quickly, think as quickly and don't generally function as quickly as you do now? I hope plenty of people treat you shitty when you get older so you can see how it feels. And I hope your memory is good enough to remember that the shitty treatment you receive is only your dickish behavior coming back to bite you in your ass.
Happy Thursday, y'all. :)
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I am amused when I hear this. Old age is the thing every one is infected with unless they are "lucky" enough to be hit by a bus or something.
Being rude something a person puts on willingly.
You go girl!! I am not always the most patient person in the world....but I tell you what, it pisses me off to see our elderly treated with anything less than the reverence and respect they have earned.
Great reminder.
Here! Here! Excellent post. Although, living in FL where the elderly are still driving, with poor vision, poor mobility and poor reflexes, tends to scare the hell out of me. But you're right there are cranky, rude, nasty people of all ages.
I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I tend to help instead of rant about our elderly.
I'm one of those who used to work in a nursing home, and know just how hard older folks cling to their independence. I can applaud it, I feel for them about it, and I do what I can to help them achieve it.
Unloading a grocery cart while in line at a store isn't difficult... Unless you're dealing with Parkinson's, or Osteoporosis, or some Degenerative Joint Disease. Because of this, I offer to help so that they can rest, banter with the cashier, and still get their shopping done. Heck, I even will put the bags back in the cart, and if they don't get someone to escort them out to their car, I'll volunteer for that, too!
The elderly deserve our respect, and our appreciation. If not for them, there wouldn't BE a younger generation!
Well said AR!
Great post Ashly. I think you made a great point. One day we'll all be the ones the younger generation is complaining about. Kara XOXOXO
PS: You should ask Jess about the 88 year old woman who drove through a stop sign and hit her on the way home from buying a new car LOL. Only 15mins off the lot and then in the shop getting repaired for 3 weeks. She was pissed!!
Some of the sweetest conversations I have had have been with elderly folks.
As an "old people", I appreciate this post! ;-)
I learned long ago that everyone "old" has life stories that put mine to shame. I love to listen to them!
Being a man that is tad older than middle aged, thank you. If there one constant in life, one day everyone will be that old person that we choose to get impatient with, that is, if we live that long. Don't look down on the elderly, praise them and pray that one day you will be fortunate enough to live long enough to be that old.
That is a very interesting post. My wife complains a lot about being old. I tell her to stop nicely 3 times. I have a law of three.
When she continues I start surfing the net for teen smut. She asks me, "What are you doing?" I then tell her that I am looking for the next Mrs. Joker.....
I think the idea that I don't like it when she calls herself old before her time is getting through.....
Youth is wasted on the young!! To be young again knowing what o know!!
Great Post
It is amazing how many people believe the passage of years will not apply to them.
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