Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm gonna get you baby!

I haven't done any blog pimping in a couple months so it's about that time again.

I love this because it's thought provoking and covers a very controversial subject. Another Suburban Mom: "Confession- Losing My Religion?"

I like this post because, well, have you ever read anything this woman writes? She has a way with words. :) Dangerous Lilly: "Microfantasy Monday: Standing Up"

I love this post because it's well written and it made me feel emotions. I love reading things that bring out thoughts and emotions I don't normally feel. It has a great moral to the story and it's very well written. Dana: "A Blogger Fairy Tale"

Back to the sexier stuff. The picture with it was sensational but has since been removed. The words aren't so bad though. ;) Bizzare Brunette: "Touch"

That's all for the link loving today. Unless you're the other person I wanted to "use" then just let me know and I'll edit this and add you in. :)

Moving on....

Lapis Ruber, Bizarre Brunette, Cade (who asked me not to link her for privacy reasons, aww) and several other people have commented here and other places (some a little unknowingly ;)) about my lack of smiles in my pictures. I don't smile all that often in pictures. I'd rather make a goofy face over smiling because I think I look ridiculous when I smile. :) I smile plenty day to day but in pictures, not so much, lol.

BUT, I'm posting some where I'm smiling today.

Trust me, this is a smile for the camera, lol. This was from Halloween of 2007. One of the guys wore that wig with his Jesus costume to work. I ended up trying it on and he mussed it around thinking I would look like an 80's chick.


The second one here is me, very drunk, lol. My eyes look fucked up a little but I believe I was definitely having a good time. It was in one of our favorite dimly lit bars so the lighting sucks. I had to crop it down because the picture displayed my wonderful boyfriend in it and he of course, doesn't want to be shown on here. The object next to my face is his huge hand, most of it anyway.

Lastly here, I'm out at the bar with friends. Had to crop it down again because in the picture with me was one of my guy friends who I won't be posting shots of on here. This was a really late but really fun night. I look like absolute crap but heeey, I'm happy, lol. =)


I know some of y'all know that song. Don't try to deny it. =D

Thursday! =)


An Artist Exposed said...

And in all of them, you do really look as if you're having a good time. And that made me smile as well. HHNT!

Anonymous said...

nice pics. doesn't matter about your mouth because you are also smiling with your eyes.

Another Suburban Mom said...

Thanks for the pimpage. Also you have a lovely smile. Its adorable.

Mike said...

I love the 1st pic and its click thru ;) You have a great smile indeed.

A very HHNT

Anonymous said...

First of all, are so damn gorgeous. I just can't tell you how the pics.

And the song, I can't lie...I know it and I love it. On the way to the gym now, just downloaded it to the ipod and I'm gonna rock the eliptical like it ain't been rocked in years!

cheers, baby!

Anonymous said...

Woo! Haven't heard that one in a long time! Happy HNT!

Jennybean said...

I hear ya about the not liking how you look when you smile thing...

but you look like way too much fun in all those pics!


Anonymous said...

I'm with you not grinning much!

you look god doing it though. Love the wig one! A hot 80's chick for sure.

Dangerous Lilly said...

Thanks kiddo =)

I TOTALLY know what you mean about the smile thing!!! I hate my smile, I look funny, my face just doesn't go right, lol. In my dating profile pics, in uncropped versions of some won't see a smile. People have commented, but oh well. It's just me.

To boot, my natural curve of my mouth is down-turned. I can't friggin help it!!! I hate people who randomly say to me "gee smile, it can't be that bad" or something equally heinous. Makes me wanna punch them. Really now, if I sat here smiling all day, you know what would happen??
"Gee, what are you smiling about?"

I try to smile for photos that friends take and.....ugh. awful. bleh.

You look happy in these. And that's just awesome :)

Lapis Ruber said...

Many thanks for showing us that you can and do smile. I never doubted that you did but the pictures are all the nicer for being rare :-) Happy HNT.

Nolens Volens said...

My trick to looking good for the camera is to think of something funny and laugh at that...then close your mouth before the click. Speaking of the click, I wouldn't mind licking those sweet things when sitting on your boobs. ;) HHNT!

Psst...sorry about the "broken" link on my's been fixed.

Carnalis said...

smiles are good .. in any form

happy hnt

Jormengrund said...

Awesome post as always AR!

I need to take some of your writing as examples when I'm trying to think up things to write about myself!

I'll let you know if I decide to steal anything, though!

Pronto said...

Great post.

And, I was looking for a way to get me into the Christmas spirit.

That clickthru is gonna help...


phairhead said...

LOL!!!! that song reminds me of my senior prom. you look stunning in the photo BF took of you

Cher said...

You are so gorgeous girl!! Seriously!


Vixen said...

Hehe....nice wig. That middle shot, I think you have a very sultry look in your eyes!!!


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

I love the 80's hair. :) Super-sexy.

Sexie Sadie~ said...

I like your smile, it's subtle but I can see that you are happy. Oh, and sexy! Very, very, very sexy babe!
Happy HNT!!! xo~Sadie

Spiky Zora Jones said...

I wish I looked as wonderful after I've had a few drinks.

I got blitzed once at one of my sister's Halloween parties. I was dressed as a angel. My halo was tilted and my keys were taken from me. hehehe.

You have a nice smile.


Deech said...

Happy HNT to ya...I like your smile by the way...

Joanna Cake said...

You do give nice face :)

13messages said...

Great shots. That top pick does indeed look quite 80s. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks like a crazy hot mess - I love it! and that video - I think they played that at my 25th birthday bash - one of the best nights of my life ♥

A Secret Freak said...

They all make you feel good to look at them because you look like you are having fun..You are beautiful and so are the pics!

d2b said...

Lovely smiling HNT :)

Thursday's Child said...

Awww, you are too cute. You have such amazing eyes!
Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the others - very adorable! Happy pics makes for a happy me. Thanks for cheering up my night.

~ Lily

Pud said...

That wig does look like an '80's rocker.

Happy HNT!

Average Chick said...

I do not think there is a way for you to look bad!!

Love the candy canes too :)


Kittie Kate said...

I don't deny it. I know that song. I like a lot of that kind of dance.

I need to smile more. Thanks for reminding me.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...I know the song.

I don't care if you smile because pics like your surprise pic make ME smile :) Plus, you're a goofball and I like it.

Beautiful Dreamer said...

You look so happy!! It's your eyes.

& I don't think I've mentioned this before, but you look eerily familiar. Not in a bad way, just like I've seen you before.


impy said...

Awww beautiful smiley pictures. Simply gorgeous! I love the second one, your eyes look like they are singing xxx