I love The Cult. I know a lot of people don't and a lot of people do. Whatever. To each their own. Don't criticize my music and I won't make fun of you for listening to Ying Yang Twins, Faith Hill or Rage Against The Machine. Or any other musician you may like that I find preposterous. Anyway. I love this song not because it's in one of my favorite movies but because somewhere inside here, I have some sappy in me. There isn't much of it but there's some in there. I don't care for most typical love songs. Of course, there are exceptions like "Amazed" by Lonestar but mostly, blech. This song by The Cult though, to me, is a love song and one that I can not only tolerate but one I really like. The first time I heard it was years ago in the movie "Gone In 60 Seconds" (I love it!) and after that, I wanted to find the song and listen to it. I looked up the words and it became one of my favorites. It still is too. Back then, I was drawn to the song because I just really liked his voice and I liked the lyrics because they sounded cool. Silly huh? Then around 18, I was in a relationship and heard that song one day after not hearing it for a while. I thought differently about the lyrics that day. I wanted someone that I could feel that way about. I wanted someone to be with that, if I ever lost them, that I would feel what that song portrays about them. It's not that I wanted to be in the lyrics shoes, so to speak. I didn't want to fall in love and then lose them just so I could feel the words in real life. I just wanted that person to be with that I would hope to never lose but if I did, that I wouldn't be able to move on so easily. I didn't really want the misery of losing a love I couldn't move on from but just the love that I would hate so much to lose. If that makes sense. And I realized the guy I was with wasn't that guy and never would be. He was special in a way and I grew, changed and learned a lot about myself, life and relationships with him. I'd never want him to be a part in my life again though and though I was sad after I broke up with him, it only lasted a short time. Now, I have an amazing guy in my life. We've been together for two and a half years and known each other for three and a half. I wouldn't want to know how I'd deal if we didn't work out or if something ever happened to him. I don't know if there is such a thing out there as a love you can never move on from if it was lost in some way and really, I don't want to know either way anymore.
Oh and it's purely coincidence that Nicolas Cage is in both of the movies that these songs are featured in. Lol.
One year, my friend dressed up as Jesus for Halloween and it was great except that it was cold so he wore a shirt under his toga and it was a Rage Against the Machine shirt and that was f**king funny. Since you made me talk about Halloween - my other friend (that same year) wore a blonde wig and a pink ladies dress suit with a tire track down its back - he told everyone he was lady Di... Then there was Adam in a suit of surgical scrubs with a single latex glove that when held under a black light - ominously - the first two fingers glowed....
OK, I'm done...Thanks.
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I heart The Cult since 1989. Ian Astbury is so dreamy
amazing what music can do...
No one should ever criticize another for their taste in music. Music speaks to all of us in different ways. It would be like cracking on someone for liking blue instead of red.
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